May 2023
Resistance to cancer sticks in memory
Mark Duncan-Smith AMA (WA) President recalls activities of BUGA UP, Medicus May-June, 2023.
April 2023
During 1985 in Inner West Sydney, a loose knit group of feminists took delight in buggering up the Channel 10 sexist Billboards promoting Monday Night Live League Football.
February 2022
The cities going billboard-free
An increasing number of cities in the UK and Europe are campaigning to be free of billboard advertising and instead showcase art, nature and ad-free space as alternatives to corporate outdoor advertising. ABC, Radio National, 05 October 2022.
February 2022
United Australia Party Billboards Targeted
UAP billboards came under attack in Sydney.
October 2020
Are 'Kidfluencers' Making Our Kids Fat?
Popular YouTube channels often bombard young children with thinly veiled ads for junk food, a new study finds. Published 26 Oct 2020
April 2018
How satirists with spray cans defeated Big Tobacco
Australia�s world-leading tobacco controls were inspired as much by satire and spray cans as any political vision.
March 2018
Bill Snow, 1945-2007 Bill Snow, known by many as "BUGAUP Bill", or "Billy" passed away on 8 March 2018.
October 2015

Political posters more than half a century old will be unveiled in a new exhibition called 50 Years of Radical Activism - Inner West Courier. October 15-24 2015, Stirrup Gallery, Addison Rd Community Centre, Marrickville
May 2015

Residents spray their messages on unwelcome mobile ad billboards.
Council imposes $1500 fine for 'trailer trash'.
November 2014

NO-AD is an annual anti-consumerism project organised by the artist Vermibus. The goal of the project is to reduce the impact of an advertisement by removing it. Watch the 2015 video.
January 2014

Cut and Paste: Australia�s Original Culture Jammers, BUGA UP
The late 1970s saw the rise of an unusual form of civil disobedience in Australia in support of public health - Milissa Deitz, Global Media Journal (Australian Edition), Volume 8 Issue 1, 2014.
January 2014

BUGAUP not dead?
Congratulations to the unknown person responsible for a BUGA-UP inspired refacing of a billboard in Marrickville, Sydney.
January 2014

Thwaites sign leaves Blackburn brewery bosses redfaced.
BREWERY bosses were left red faced when their iconic lighted sign was turned into a profanity. See articles in the Blackburn Bugle and the Lancashire Telegraph.
August 2012
BUGA UP � You�ve come a long way baby article by Frances van Zinnen published in Overland magazine, August 2012
August 2012
The BUGA-UP TubeYouTube channel has been set up and 5 documentaries are available for viewing.
April 2012
New Publications section added and Clippings updated with press clippings fom 1980 to 1986.
Plus, the Rogues Gallery updated with 40 of our 'Earliest Hits'
January 2012
June 2011
Subtle spraycan art attack on public spaces in Kabul is trying to prod Afghans into asking questions.
Read the article... and Kabul Graffiti in pictures
May 2010
A health and environment campaign group from the 80s that targeted cigarette ads appears to have made a come back.
April 2009
March 2009
fred cole, 1926-2009 (he insisted on small letters) went to war in the Middle East towards the end of World War II and claimed to have entered Germany driving a tank. But he will be remembered most for his successful campaign with BUGA-UP.
December 2007
Lord Bloody Wog Rolo, 1945-2007 was an electronics engineer who made his living as an auto-electrician and installed car alarms. He called himself a professional alarmist. Others call him one of Australia's great stirrers.
July 2007
Mays Lane wall gallery presents a tribute to the billboard modification crew of the 80s.