B.U.G.A.  U.P.
Billboard Utilising Graffitists Against Unhealthy Promotions


A key part of the activities of BUGA-UP was the production and distribution of publications. This enabled us to reach a wider audience, and provide a consistent message about what we were trying to achieve, and why.

The first publications were the Autumn Catalogue in 1980, and the Spring Catalogue of 1981. Later we produced 'Billbored', 4-page leaflets containing news of BUGA UP actions and other news about the battle with advertising.

Remember, this all happened pre-internet, and there were limited channels to inform the community of the exploitative practices of the advertising industry - and our efforts to combat them. These publications were distributed at demonstrations, street stalls and other actions, as well as by health professionals and our supporters. Also 21 Billbored Newsletters were produced which are all available online.

PDF copies of these publications are reproduced below for historical and research purposes. BUGA-UP encourages the availability, dissemination and exchange of this information. You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with the material for any purpose, on the condition that you include the copyright notice “© BUGA-UP” on all uses.


Autumn Catalogue - 1980

Our first publication, and it explained how and why we started. The mono colour catalogue was printed on an A3 sheet folded into an A4 leaflet, but could then be un-folded to become a poster of 40 refaced billboards. Over 30,000 copies were printed and distributed. See the 40 colour pictures from the catalogue in the Gallery.

See the Original Version [5,438 KB], the Text Version [484 KB], or Read the Web Version


Spring Catalogue - 1981

Our second catalogue and outlined BUGA-UP activities in the 6 months since the first one was printed. It included a "How To" section for making spray can extensions and egg paint bombs. It also unfolded to become a poster with over 40 refaced billboards.

See the Original Version [7,242 KB], the Text Version [331 KB], or Read the Web Version

Write of Reply poster 

Write of Reply

First colour poster featuring 21 refaced (mostly) tobacco and alcohol billboards.

Write of Reply poster [2,336 KB], or medium sized version [342 KB].

Latest Hits poster 

Latest Hits

Colour poster featuring 20 refaced (mostly) tobacco and alcohol billboards.

Latest Hits poster [2,274 KB], or medium sized version [330 KB]

I, Object poster 

I, Object

Colour poster featuring 19 refaced billboards using sexist images to promote their products.

I, Object poster [1,992 KB], or medium sized version [316 KB]

Image & Word poster 

Image & Word

An exhibition of BUGA-UP work and materials at Pitspace, Philip Institute of Technology in Melbourne from July 20 to Sept 13, 1982, coordinated by the Victorian branch. Titled "Image and Word", the exhibition consists of refaced billboards, press clippings about BUGA UP, letters received from members of the public, and various BUGA UP paraphernalia.

The exhibition then moved to the Victorian Trades Hall on the 15th of September.

Image & Word poster large or small

Marblerow Man poster 

Marblerow Man

Poster featuring the BUGA UP's entrant in the competition for the new Marlboro Man, Frank C, who smokes through a hole made in his neck so that he can breathe (tracheotomy). The poster was featured on the front cover of the July issue of the Medical Journal of Australia. See Billbored Number 2, September 1982. See also Marlboro Manslaughter at snopes.com.

Marblerow Man poster [1,3084KB], or medium sized version [330 KB]

Tasteless Advertising Award poster 

Tasteless Advertising Award

The "1982 B.U.G.A. U.P. AWARD FOR TASTELESS ADVERTISING" was granted to Mojo Advertising for one of their sterling cigarette advertisements. The original ad brought-a flood of protest from the public in the form of "letters to the Editor" and Wills very graciously agreed to withdraw it (as if they had intended to use it again anyway). See Billbored Number 5, April 1983

Tasteless Advertising Award poster [538 KB]

The Royal Vomit poster 

The Royal Vomit

A poster competition to encourage public comment after newspapers across the country ran full colour photos of the family on their front page during the first week of the recent visit by Charles and Di, accompanied by similar gold-coloured ads for benson and hedges. See Billbored Number 6, May 1983.

The Royal Vomit poster [2,021 KB] , or medium sized version [212 KB]

Windfailed Cup poster 

Windfailed Cup poster

Windfailed Cup, (a parody of the rugby league Rothmans Winfield Cup) presented to NSWRL fror services to tobacco campanies above and beyond the call of fair play. See Billbored Number 9, November 1983

Winfailed Cup poster [1,164 KB], or medium sized version [152 KB]

Marble Row Open poster 

Marble Row Open

Poster by the Victorian branch of MOP-UP distributed at the Australian Tennis Open. See Billbored Number 11, Billbored Number 19 and Billbored Number 21 when Philip Morris/Marlbro finally pulled out of tennis sponsorship.

Marble Row Open poster [854 KB], or medium sized version [107 KB]


Billbored Newsletters - 1982-1985

These these 4-page leaflets were produced at irregular intervals and contained not only news of BUGA-UP activities, but also what was happening with tobacco and advertising regulation... or NOT as the case may be. [Approx. 3,000 to 5,000 KB each ]

Newsletters - all 21 issues


Tobacco Sponsorship of the Arts... Think Again - 1982

A 4 page leaflet produced for distribution at a demonstration and performance event at the Art Gallery of NSW. The gallery was exhibiting a Marlboro F1 racing car while an exhibition sponsored by R.J. Reynolds (manufactures of Marlboro) was on display. See Chain non-smoker taken from Marlboro country

Leaflet [3,035 KB] and Billbored Number 22, June 1985


Ballet Sponsorship leaflet - 1983

Leaflet distributed at a demonstration at the Sydney Opera House against tobacco sponsorship of the arts.

Benson & Hedges and Sadler's Wells sell out [1,598 KB] and Billbored Number 5, April 1983 for event details.


AD EXPO - A Self-Defence Course for Children - December 1983

This was a 57 page manual containing practical exercises in refacing advertisements which children could find entertaining and instructive (cover only).

BUGAUP AD-EXPO cover [581 KB], BUGAUP AD-EXPO [43 MB],and Billbored Number 10, December 1983 [1,288 KB]


Royal Easter Show voucher - 1983

These vouchers were circulated at the Royal Easter Show, an icon in Sydney's social calendar for families in NSW. They drew attention to the new 15's cigarette packets that were obviously targeted at young women and girls.

RAS Voucher [292 KB]


BUGA-UP Product Catalogue - 1984

Any effective activist group needs a merchandising branch. This was a catalogue of our products produced by our Non-Consumer Products division and included everything from stickers to leaflets, posters and tea towels. We may not have made much money, but it annoyed the hell out of the advertising industry.

Product Catalogue [1,552 KB]


The Advertising Bogies - 1984

Invitation the 1984 Advertising Bogies - the BUGA-UP Logies for advertising. This all day event included sessions of presentations and discussions, cumminating in the selection of the winners during a buffet dinner. The Award categoies were: Most Misleading Ad, Most Innane Jingle, Ad the Breaks the Most Regulations and Ugliest Outdoor Advertisement. Winners were selected on the greatest level of audience reaction measured by a noise meter - and it was very noisy.

See new clippings The Bogies, the 1984 BUGA-UP Logies and Bogie awards celibrate ads' certifiable inanity, and Advertising Bogies invitation, the Programme, and Billbored Number 18, November 1984 [4,395 KB] for an article on the winners and the night's events.


Legal Drug Pushers Need New Clients - 1984

A 4 page leaflet written by a Newcastle Professor of Education detailing the techniques tobacco companies use to attract children.

Leaflet [2,204 KB]


NEW Anti-Advertising Industry Council - 1985

A summit involving ratbag elements and vandals of the lunatic fringe have resolved to establish the Advertising Double Standards Council. The guiding principle of the Double Standards Council is that if advertising standards are desirable, then double standards are twice as good.
A not-so-subtle parody of the Advertising Standards Council

Standards document [245 KB]


BUGA UP Four Years On - 1988

A four-page summary by Dr. Arthur Chesterfield-Evans and Gavan O'Connor that described:
1. BUGA UP's origins and methods,
2. The spread of its philosophy and tactics, and
3. Examples of its social and political effects.

BUGA UP Four Years On [20 KB]


Civil Disobedience and Tobacco Control: The Case of BUGA-UP - 1996

A paper by Simon Chapman, published in the journal "Tobacco Control" which provides a brief summary of the role of BUGA-UP in the history of tobacco control.

Cover essay [2,612 KB]

Updated 3 June 2012